Are you retargeting your sphere of influence and past clients with your Real Estate Facebook video ads?

Successful agents get 64% of their annual deals from their real estate sphere of influence. However, far too many times agents forget to follow up and nurture their friends, family, and past clients and they then end up missing out on sales.

It can be difficult and expensive to send out postcards, flyers, drop off gifts, host client appreciation parties, and do it all consistently to stay top of mind to your sphere of influence. So how do you stay in front of your sphere of influence effectively?

One of the easiest ways is to use video and social media!

Here are some mind-blowing marketing facts about video.

  • People watch an average of 16 hours of online video per week, which is a 52% increase in the last two years.
  • Social video generates 1200% more shares than text and image content combined.
  • Viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video compared to 10% when reading it in text.
  • 96% of people have watched an explainer video to learn more about a product or service.
  • 86% of people would like to see more videos from brands.

64% of consumers make a purchase after watching branded social videos.

But how does video help Real Estate agents increase sales from their sphere of influence?

Half of the world’s population is on social media now. Over 2.2 billion people are on Facebook. A majority of your friends, family, and past clients are using Facebook every day and spend over an hour a day on the social media giant.

Facebook is the easiest way to target your ideal audience and stay in front of them with video ads. It’s cost-effective, it’s impactful and it drives sales growth.

But, it can be difficult.

Facebook Ads for Real Estate

Navigating through the Facebook ad manager, creating custom audiences, and building video ads that target them is a time-consuming process that can be confusing. Facebook is an amazing platform, but it’s not an easy place to set up video ad campaigns quickly.

That’s why we built Walled Garden!

Walled Garden gives you the option to easily upload a custom audience of your choice, upload your video, and then launch your video ad to that targeted audience. Super duper simple.

Here’s how you generate more sales using Facebook video ads using your sphere of influence.

Running video ads to your sphere of influence will constantly remind them that you are in Real Estate and it will help you to build your brand by creating the frequency illusion. The frequency illusion is that you are everywhere and omnipresent, surrounding them on Facebook with your videos. This helps to position yourself as the authority figure and make each person in your sphere look to you for when they have questions about Real Estate.

To cultivate and harvest your sphere of influence on Facebook, you need to constantly remind your sphere about your brand. This is done by running your video ads to your sphere of influence with the intent of not only educating them about what you are doing but also getting them to watch your videos. It is for those reasons, that we recommend that you do this through Facebook Video ads weekly.

The reason why you want to do this weekly is that Facebook has an algorithm that ranks the importance of ads by how often it is viewed and shared. By running a video ad to your sphere of influence weekly, Facebook believes that you are important and will rank you higher than other people who only run ads once every few weeks or months. The best part is that this process can be completely automated using Walled Garden and that will save you time and energy that you can use to focus on creating video content rather than struggling through the Facebook ad manager.

Here’s how you use Walled Garden to nurture your sphere of influence with Real Estate Facebook video ads.

First things first. You will want to go to your Account tab in your Walled Garden dashboard and then scroll down to the section called Custom Audiences. Inside this section, you will want to upload a CSV file of your past clients, friends, family, and anyone else that you want to run your video ad too. Once you have completed that step Walled Garden will match those people with their Facebook profiles and create the custom audience that you can now use and run video ads to them.

Facebook Real Estate Lead

Now here comes the easy part! Go to Video Ads section in Walled Garden and you will see your Facebook video ad template ready to edit. You can then upload your video content to the ad and type in whatever ad copy you wish to use. It’s best to give a brief description of the video and tell them to take action and watch it.

Real Estate Seller Leads

Next, choose the geolocation of where you want the ad to run. From there you will set the ad spend budget, set how many days you want it to run, and then the best part, choosing which custom audience you want it to run to. Select your sphere of influence custom audience and then hit purchase this ad!

Walled Garden

Now your Facebook video ad is off and running! It will be shown to your highly targeted audience of friends, family, and past clients or whoever else you want to see the video that you put into that custom audience.

What type of video content should I create?

  • Property listing video.
  • Community Event Video.
  • New Development Video.
  • Market Update Video.
  • What’s New In Your City Video.
  • Neighborhood video.
  • School video review.
  • Real estate listing video.
  • Agent “About me” video.
  • Client testimonial video.
  • “Just Sold” video.
  • Real estate explainer video
  • Case Study Video.
  • Client Review Video.
  • Local Business Highlight Video.
  • Your Brand Story Video.

There are thousands of different and unique Real Estate videos that you can create to use for nurturing your sphere of influence. It just takes a few ideas and getting out the camera to get started knocking out videos that you can leverage to stay in front of your sphere of influence and become the local Real Estate celebrity to all your friends, family, and past clients.

This incredible retargeting feature along with many other brand new features are included in Walled Garden’s new pro plan! With your Pro subscription, you can launch video ads, retarget previous clients, access auto-created seller reports, and MORE.

Get started today and login for free at

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