Are you ready to become a Real Estate Facebook Ads Master?

The real estate industry is a competitive one that requires savvy marketing to succeed. One way to get ahead of the competition is by utilizing Facebook ads. However, they can be difficult and expensive to manage without the right knowledge. That’s why we’re giving you our guide on how to master Real Estate Facebook Ads easily!

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Step One: Start with a clear vision of what you want to achieve.

Great goals are SMART – specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely. For example, “I would like my Real Estate Facebook ads to reach 1000 people that have recently searched for houses in a specific area”.

Keep in mind that brand exposure is great and helpful when establishing your business in any market. However, it is important to also understand that having your ads reach and be seen by thousands of people doesn’t immediately translate to getting prospects to contact you or develop conversations right away.

That’s why it’s critical to understand your goal and what kind of Facebook ads will help you achieve that goal. Every type of Facebook ad uses what’s called a Campaign Objective. That objective is designed to complete a specific task inside of the Facebook marketing algorithm and to find the people within that audience that are most likely to complete the task or goal you desire from your campaign.

In the same way that you might have a campaign objective of driving people to your website, you can also use ads for other goals such as increasing awareness about your business or services or building engagement with followers and potential customers using promotional offers.

If you want Real Estate leads from your Facebook campaign, you will need to use the Lead Generation ad objective. This objective will unlock a custom Facebook Lead Ad Form that will act as a simple, yet very effective landing page.

This landing page will have a form for the user to fill out with their contact information before they are redirected to your business’s website You can even add an enticing call-to-action (CTA) such as “Sign up now.”

However, “Sign Up Now” can be too direct and make people hesitate and wonder what exactly it is that they’re signing up for. That can be a little intimating and our studies have shown that they produce a lower click-through rate.

So we recommend that you use a simple, easy-to-understand CTA.  A good example of this is “Learn More” or “Get Started.” These are straightforward and make the user think about what they want to do next as well as giving them confidence in your company.

Step Two: Real Estate Audience Targeting

Over the past several years, Facebook has changed its targeting for Real Estate multiple times (ugh…) but overall, it’s been for the better. Facebook has worked directly with HUD (Housing Urban Development) to develop targeting options that do not allow discrimination practices by excluding race, age, and other factors.

Back in the old days of Facebook when it was the wild west of the internet, you could target people like this: Women who drive a Lexus that are divorced that are ages 32-44 that have an income above $100,000 and are homeowners who are likely to sell that live in the following zip codes, etc.

That type of targeting was super laser-focused and it worked for many years until Facebook started collecting data and making several changes to its algorithm and targeting capabilities.

What Facebook found was that its ads were favoring broader audiences with wider targeting.

Realizing this, Facebook’s learning technology and AI started looking closer at the ad images and the copywriting to better understand who that ad was meant for and started serving out to those people that would best fit the overall offering of the ad.

Best Practices with Current Restrictions

Here’s the best way to create Real Estate Facebook ads that are compliant (and effective!) with today’s Real Estate targeting restrictions.

  1. Focus on using images of Real Estate. Use photos that show the exterior of the home instead of the interior. Exterior images attract more prospects and help feed the algorithm to serve the ad out to more prospects in that campaign. Using the interior images of a home will produce a lower click-through rate.
  2. Use industry-related keywords in the ad copy such as “Home for sale, Real Estate in x market.” “See the homes for sale in x market, priced at x amount.”
  3. Use multiple ad sets in your campaign, we recommend testing at least 3 different ad sets. In the first ad set, use broad interest targeting. In the second ad set, try interest-based targeting. In the third ad set, use a special ad audience that is essentially a lookalike audience of your past clients or current best leads.

Step Three: Create Your Ads With Lead Generation In Mind

Focus on Real Estate lead generation to keep your pipeline full of prospects to avoid the gaps in deals every month. Define your goal of the campaign and decide if you want to generate Real Estate buyer leads or Real Estate seller leads. Or, if you want to generate both from the same campaign, you can leverage Real Estate Facebook software marketing tools such as Walled Garden. We can help you launch ads in 60 seconds that promote your Real Estate listings and generate buyer and seller leads at a low cost.

A Real Estate Facebook advertising campaign aims to generate leads to fill your pipeline and get customers coming through the door. It’s no secret that more buyers are turning towards social media for their home searches. So if you’re not leveraging this powerful marketing channel, then your competitors may be eating away at your potential profits.

But it’s important to ask the right questions on your lead ad forms to know who’s a potential seller lead and who is a buyer lead. Here’s how to ask the right questions to maximize your Real Estate Lead Generation efforts from Facebook.

For this example, let’s say that we are marketing a new Real Estate listing for sale. The Facebook lead ad would say something like this:

  • See all the photos, prices, and details!
  • What is your name?
  • What is your phone number?
  • What is your email?
  • When do you plan on buying a home?
  • Do you currently own a home?

That last question is simple but very effective. If they say “Yes” to owning a home, then congrats! You’ve got yourself a Real Estate Seller Lead and those are prized leads. Basically, the holy grail of Real Estate leads and they are hard to find, but not if you ask the right questions with the right ad.

If you don’t ask, then you don’t know.

Here at Walled Garden, we ask that seller lead question on every Facebook ad we run for our users. Here’s a little fun fact: 63% of all our Walled Garden leads say “Yes, they own a home”. That means that more than half of the leads that we generate at Walled Garden are seller leads!

Is it worth it? YES!

Some people wonder if it is worth running Facebook ads for Real Estate listings due to the costs associated, but that’s where we shine. If you’re going to ask questions in your ad, then make sure they will yield a quality lead! When you put an ad out there promoting homes for sale, be careful not just to run at anyone who says “Yes”, but only on those leads who provide the right information that indicates that they are an ideal prospect for you. Remember, lead quality is going to trump lead quantity.

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If you’re wondering if running Facebook ads for your listings are effective and truly worth your time and money, read this recent case study on a Real Estate agent that generated a 3941% return on investment from their Walled Garden ads. Read More ->

If you want to save time and leverage a powerful software that will do all the heavy lifting for you when creating effective Real Estate Facebook ads, then give Walled Garden a try and experience the difference.

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