Ready or not… Winter is coming! Real estate professionals know that winter can be a real drag on their business with real estate activity dying down and people looking to avoid the cold and snow. Not to mention all the holiday activities! If you’re like most real estate agents, you want to use this winter to make this Spring as profitable as possible.

Don’t let the snow dump on your business this Winter and get a head start on dominating the Spring market with these 5 tips.

1. Utilize Walled Garden for every listing.

Walled Garden does the heavy lifting for you for any listing you advertise. With Walled Garden an ad is created instantly with our time-tested ad copy based on the MLS listing description. Making a Facebook ad campaign can take hours. Not to mention writing the copy, creating the graphics, and waiting for Facebook approval.  Due to our relationship with Facebook, our ads get globally approved within typically about ten minutes!

When the ad is created Walled Garden also creates a gorgeous single property website for the listing with beautiful image placement, highlighted property information, and customizable agent contact information. This single property website is sure to impress buyer and seller leads alike.

Most Walled Garden users see 75-100 leads a month by running two ads per month. If you get started now you can have hundreds by April. With the average conversion rate for real estate being 2.5% you could have 10+ clients for the Spring market ready to buy or sell.

2. If you don’t have listings, borrow other agents’ listings.

Of course, before advertising the listing, you need to speak to the other agent. More often than not other agents will say yes because it’s just like you hosting their open house.  It’s free advertising for them but can also serve as a conversation starter to get you more buyer leads. Who knows, those buyer leads could also be seller leads!

With Walled Garden, advertising any listing is super easy. You can search by MLS, Agent, or Office ID to find the listing you’re looking for. Within just a couple of minutes, your ad and beautiful single property website are created.  You’re ready to start generating leads!

Along with this, Walled Garden Pro gives you the ability to easily retarget friends, family, and past clients. This Pro feature is a great tool for this time of year. Use it to retarget your buyer leads to let them know that this could be the perfect time for them. If you’re not signed up for Walled Garden Pro, check out our other blog below to see what must-have features you are missing out on. 


3. Follow up with your leads with the right questions to control the conversation.

Your first outreach to a lead shouldn’t be uncomfortable. A friendly email or even better a text can be the most personal. It should flow naturally while also leading with value. Start by addressing them by name and thanking them for checking out your listing. This gesture alone can go a long way. A great question with value would be to ask if they would like to see other listings in the price range of the listing they viewed. With that question, you can find out whether that is closer to the top or bottom of their range. You’ll never know if they have more to spend if you don’t ask.

Another value-filled question would be something to the effect of “I’m putting together some home evaluations for people in the area. Do you currently own a home?” This will open the door to conversation about whether or not they are in a home they need to sell before purchasing.

From either of these questions, you can control the conversation and then ask further questions to give you an idea of what they’re looking for. These questions help develop a trust that will open all sorts of conversations. The building of that trust can lead to multiple deals with them or even to referrals.

4. Once you have a healthy list of buyer leads from your campaign, promote that list to your database of sellers.

Reach out to your seller leads and let them know that you have buyers looking and ask if they are interested in selling soon. You can use it as a reason to start a conversation with these seller leads to get them more engaged or even possibly to list early.

With Walled Garden Pro’s retargeting feature we already mentioned, it’s easy to keep those with the most recent activity engaged so you know which seller leads are real-time sellers. 

5. Every time you market a listing, share the single property website to show the kind of marketing you do for all leads. 

Letting Walled Garden do the heavy lifting, you’ll have a beautiful single property website and eye-catching ad to show off to your sphere of influence. Use these assets to share your marketing story on social media.

Tell the story about how you created a beautiful single property website and then created a highly targeted Facebook ad for that listing to generate interested prospects. Even though WG does the heavy lifting, you can still boast about the marketing you do for all your clients. No one has to know it was done for you in a matter of seconds.

Use this to let your sphere of influence know that you do this for all of your clients. Those who know the time consumption of digital marketing AND real estate will find this impressive.

Get To It!

Are you still sitting? Get up and get started on your new Winter to-do list so you can dominate the Spring market. From real estate agent to real estate boss, these are the things you need to do to make sure your business is ready for success.

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