What’s stopping you from taking full advantage of the power of Facebook ads? Do you feel overwhelmed when someone asks you about your Facebook ad strategy? Does the idea of diving headfirst into ad creation and Facebook’s complex ads manager make you sweat? Do you know that there’s a huge opportunity in Facebook ads that you want to take advantage of, but you can’t seem to get over the learning curve or make them effective?

Let us help take the stress out of Facebook ads. We hear you! It can be daunting to take on Facebook ads without having a background in marketing or a specialized team member to take the task on for you. That’s where we come in. Walled Garden was created to simplify advanced Facebook Marketing for the Real Estate Industry by providing you with easy-to-use software to advertise listings and create brand awareness in mere minutes. Through building this tool, we’ve learned a thing or two about successful ad creation and strategy. Here are our 8 most important lessons about running real estate Facebook ads that you NEED to know in order to succeed in today’s online-focused market! 

1. Automate what you can

No, we don’t mean hiring a robot assistant. Anything that can be done in a streamlined, efficient manner is going to mean more ROI for you. Don’t waste time doing repetitive actions that can be automated or scaled to help you achieve more. Create your own systems for organizing your ad information, media, and processes, and of course delegate as you can. To really simplify the process for you and get all that planning and procedural time back,  Walled Garden’s app can do all that for you. 

With Walled Garden, you can sync with the MLS to launch ads for your listings in seconds and generate leads with the click of a button. The leads and contacts are all tracked and organized in your Walled Garden dashboard for a quick and easy assessment of your data and leads! This saves you time and energy that you can turn into more time with clients and more time nurturing those leads.

2. Use rich media

If you’re in the real estate industry, you already know that first impressions are everything. Wow your audience and give your listings the attention they deserve with high quality, rich, vibrant images, and videos. This not only creates interest with potential buyers but is a huge value-add for sellers and gets you those valuable recommendations. This also sets a standard and expectation associated with your brand! 

Walled Garden knows that you need to get this media up quickly and easily to make your ads stand out from the rest. Upload a video directly into Walled Garden’s ad tool and watch that beauty go live. If you like this feature, you’ll love the next.

3. Give your audience somewhere to go

All the beautiful pictures and stunning videos in the world won’t help you sell a listing if you don’t link your audience to more information! Having a landing page for your listing will truly make it stand out, and make the next steps crystal clear for potential buyers. This all contributes to the elevation of your brand and your reputation in the industry. 

Want to hear something amazing? Walled Garden automatically creates jaw-droppingly gorgeous single property websites for every listing with beautiful image placement and highlighted property information. You can use that link to share all over social media, send directly to your sphere of influence, or simply launch an ad in seconds with an automated ad campaign in Walled Garden.

4. Stay in front of a warm audience

Retargeting to those who have already engaged with content seems like a no-brainer but can get confusing when you’re trying to navigate Facebook’s ads manager and a long list of audiences. If you haven’t used Facebook for ads before, you might not even know where to start or how to import your contact lists to make sure you’re targeting the right people. 

Walled Garden helps you stay in front of your sphere of influence and those people who are already interested in what you have to say by automating retargeting for you! We are all about making things quick and uncomplicated.

5. Don’t miss out on leads

In online marketing and real estate as a whole, leads must be acted on quickly to get the best results. Take advantage of your marketing efforts by acting quickly on the leads you receive. There are numerous tools out there to help automate responses, trigger emails, texts, and phone calls to help you make a move on your leads in as little turnaround time as possible. 

Walled Garden’s simple and clear dashboard makes it easy to keep track of your leads so you can ensure you never miss an opportunity!

6. Invest in what works for you

Agents make a huge mistake by dumping money in the wrong efforts. Sometimes this has to come with time and experience, but sometimes you can avoid this mistake before writing a big check. Look into every tool you use, take free trials and make the most of them, ready case studies, and ask a million questions to ensure a tool or service is right for you and your system before you invest.

Then, as you use a tool or service, keep close track of money invested and returned, so you can have a clear and documented ROI overtime to ensure the investment stays worthwhile as you move forward. 

Still feeling like your head is spinning? Don’t miss out on all the opportunities Facebook marketing can provide. Get your share of the pie—we’d love to help. Check out everything Walled Garden has to offer. 

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